Viac o produkte
Radovka od V.A.R. z orku 2007. Ako bonus celé štvorpesničkové EP "Fifteen Years Fast Like Bikila" a ešte jedna pieseň naviac. Absolútna rarita. Posledný kus.
1 Řeka Rolling Hell (The Rolling Hell River) 4:39
2 Věci Vostrý (Rough Stuff) 4:36
3 Sudety (The Sudeten) 5:53
4 Za Pět Minut Po Smrti (Five Minutes After Death) 4:20
5 Nenasytnej Pes (A Greedy Dog) 4:52
6 Oči V Podzemí (Eyes From The Underground) 4:41
7 Pedofil Čas (Pedophiliac Time) 4:37
8 Hurikán Ruda(á) (The Red Hurricane) 4:39
EP "Fifteen Years Fast Like Bikila"
9 Like Bikila 3:04
10 Split But Capable 2:55
11 Requiem 2:56
12 A Few Words 3:44
Extra Bonus
13 Dancing On The Edge 6:14